Wednesday 24 January 2024

Now you SEE us, now you don't.

[From the SEE HEAR Facebook site).  Camille Piper, It isn't a debate (SEE HEAR program BBC2 24/1/2024), it is another excuse to blame society for everything. SEE HEAR still hosting a debate using the same old arguments from 1888 but with different people.

Young deaf moved on years ago, it is pointless asking people who cannot change if they want to.  The 'hearing pill', an old chestnut and a pointless question because only the CI user and the other younger deaf man are able to use choice via experience.  The rest CANNOT change, and don't want to, they are scared they won't cope.  CODA's were downgraded to mere support, OK they understand their deaf parents needs, (Of course they do!), but they aren't deaf and have no deaf ID (why would they?).  Then we had Mr Buxton et al blaming 'society' for everything wrong in the deaf world, exhibiting the old deaf paranoias.   

The world has changed since 1950 or indeed since 1888.  Whilst SEE HEAR said post in responses, the reality is SEE HEAR removed the right of alternative viewpoints at the BBC many years ago, because HoH and non-signing deaf complained they were being deliberately excluded or ignored.  So did the Disability area at the BBC. Few 'Deaf' or Disabled on the BBC represent the rest of us, and all clones toting the same mantra that doesn't really apply to anyone most of us know. Deaf at the debate (We call it a debate but it wasn't really), were disabled, and weren't, they aren't sure, basically,  that question only gets answered when it's time to apply for  funding.  

We even had the other old chestnut of 'Deafhood' and Paddy Ladd, most under 50 have never even heard of and talks in hieroglyphs, only Americans took Deafhood in, then changed it to suit them and made money out of it, selling the emperor's new clothes again.  Basically you cannot stand out, if you fit in, and 'fitting in' is oppressive, you get the gist! SEE HEAR is well past its sell by date, has next to no viewers, and next to no online following either.  Even the Sign Zone bans debates that mean anything, and a nationwide tour by them of deaf clubs found nobody knew who they were either.  

THESE are issues that need addressing, it just looks like there is a hard core of deaf people living in a world of its own (Either in London or Manchester), and prefer that, who claim we all want the same, but the real discriminators are inclusion and access. Horrors! If everyone signs including hearing, we will disappear, erm.. it's called inclusion, you won't need to make a song and dance after.  These people much prefer to be oppressed it seems to me, it gives them a cause celeb, and, importantly a job as well. It helps if you impress on young people or the system, society is going to make their life terrible, that is being positive about a deaf ID.  

SEE HEAR still discriminates against Hard of Hearing, and downgrades mere 'deaf' as persona non grata, or even hearing people. Along with the BBC who removed feedback from them and disabled at SEE HEAR years ago.  To solely promote BSL alone. They would never have got away with it but for playing the cultural ace.  People don't realise how this divides all with hearing loss. A clear case when a right, becomes a fence to keep out others.

A win for who?

The DWP will pay nearly £50,000 in damages to a deaf man after repeatedly failing to provide him with the interpreters he needed for job-rel...